Why Bed Bugs Love Heat Waves
Many of us Torontonians are enjoying the latest warm weather, with hopes of a long hot summer. Bed bugs too love the warm weather. There are a number of reasons why they particularly love the heat.
Warm weather awakens their romantic nature and the males start seeking partners to engage in the traumatic insemination process. That means the male stabs the female anywhere he darn well pleases.
It’s definitely not a Love Scene
Now that the frosty cold weather is gone, bed bugs start hooking rides on your pants, socks, purse and bags without the fear of freezing and falling off.
Now that they have come home with you, the females are ready to start laying up to 500 eggs. Fifty percent of those eggs will be female, and they will lay 500 eggs. At this rate, it won’t be long before the female gets fed up with the male’s insulant behaviour and starts to venture out of the cozy bed area in search of a new host. And the cycle continues.
At the first signs of bed bugs in your home, you will want to take action. Save yourself the money and hassle of sprays and powders. Call me, Adrienne, and I’d be happy to answer all your questions and find the best solution for you.