Bed Bugs go to University
Studying, going to class, part-time job, hanging with friends and getting groceries when the chance comes up is all part of student life in Toronto. But are bed bugs earning…
Do Pesticides Kill Bed Bugs?
How Effective are Insecticides? Bed bugs are on the rise and two insecticides commonly used to kill bed bugs are becoming less effective against them, according to a study published today…
Common Misdiagnosis for Bed Bug Bites
Over the years, customers have shared with me how their doctor has misdiagnosed bed bug bites. A Rash is the most common misdiagnosis, perhaps caused by a food allergy, an…
Bed Bug Bite Treatment
Treatment of Bed Bug Bites No matter where you work or are a Ryerson University student, if you scratch your bed bug bites you will make things worse and possibly…
Bed Bugs Can Make You Sick, Even From Beyond The Grave
Bed Bugs don’t spread diseases, but new research shows that getting rid of them may not be enough because the waste they leave behind could still make you sick. Researchers…