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Bed Bugs – Landlord and Tenant

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Rights

Let me help you understand landlords’ responsibilities and tenants’ rights when it comes to bed bugs in Ontario.

Landlord Cannot Evict  because of Bed Bugs

First off, it does not matter how the tenant got the bed bugs, it is tge landlord’s responsibility to provide a vermin-free home. Sometimes, tenants are anxious about letting their landlord know they have bed bugs because they are worried that the landlord may kick them out. There are really only a few reasons why a landlord can evict a tenant:

  1. Tenant owes rent or is often late paying rent
  2. Tenant guests did something illegal on the property.
  3. Tenant guests caused damage or are disturbing other tenants.
  4. ***Tenant interfering with landlord’s ability to manage property.***
  5. Landlord, landlord’s family or someone buying the house wants to move in.

***The landlord can apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board for an order to evict the tenant if the tenant seriously and unreasonably interferes with the landlord’s efforts to deal with bed bugs.***

Inspecting for Bed Bugs

Tenants need to allow the landlord access to inspect for bed bugs.  Upon confirming evidence of bed bugs, the landlord must take action to provide a home that is fit for habitation and meets health standards.  The law requires that the landlord provide you with 24 hours notice prior to entering the premises.  As bed bugs are not considered an emergency, the landlord cannot enter without providing proper notice.

Tenant Must Prepare for Bed Bug Treatment

It is the tenant’s responsibility to prepare their home for treatment in accordance with the instructions provided by the landlord or pest control company.  Refer to Bed Bugs Dead Bugs and our list of

Landlord Pays for Bed Bug Removal

Under Ontario landlord and tenant regulations, it is the landlord who is responsible for the cost of extermination.

What if your landlord fails to take action?

If a landlord refuses to treat when a tenant notifies them of a bed bug problem, tenants may obtain assistance or advice from a legal clinic or from the Landlord and Tenant Board  at 1-888-332-3234 (416-645-8080 in the Toronto area), or visit its website at

Tenants may file an application regarding bed bugs with Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board. If the Board finds that the unit is not maintained adequately, they will order the landlord to treat for bed bugs may order a refund of rent or a rent freeze until the problem is resolved.


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