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Bed Bug Season is Starting

When is Bed Bug Season?

Although bed bugs live all year round, as soon as the weather warms up here in Toronto to around 20C, it’s bed bug season. And why is that? There are a couple of reasons. First off, it’s no longer freezing outside. This means that any bed bugs that may have attached themselves to your pants or socks or the bottom of your bag will not freeze and fall off when you go outside.  During the winter, those little hitchhikers don’t make it to their next home.

First off, it’s no longer freezing outside. This means that any bed bugs that may have attached themselves to your pants or socks or the bottom of your bag will not freeze and fall off when you go outside.  During the winter, those little hitchhikers don’t make it to their next home.

Now that it’s warm outside, they are able to stick with you on your travels to friends, the library, community center or family gatherings.  Once there, they will hop off your pants and happily jump on your neighbour’s pants and move in with them.

The other reason is that bed bug population is about to explode as they start propagating.  The warm weather is here and the male bed bug has thoughts of love on his mind.  The average female bed bug will lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime and those eggs are hatching about every two weeks.  If you see one bed bug now, you are going to see ten in a few weeks and a hundred in a few months. By the time September rolls around, bed bugs will be ruling your life.

Take action now.

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